About Us
Welcome to Big Ricky's little bake shoppe online store!
Thank you for joining us in the newest adventure on our journey!
Come start your day with a deliciously made from scratch muffin, cookie or square, and a freshly ground steamy hot coffee. All baked goods, such as our bread, cakes, pies and squares and cookies are made from scratch on the premises with love.
We started our business on November 8, 2008 in Chatham Ontario Canada. Shoppe owner and operator, Deb, was testing recipes out on family, friends, and colleagues long before that. Deb comes from a family of bakers, where her grandma, mom and aunties all made lots of tasty treats that were enjoyed by the whole family and then some!
From the lunchroom at the factory to the driver's room at the school bus yard. From bake sales every Saturday in the yard at home and to sharing her wares with her brother Blair's customers at his coffee shop in Chatham's Downtown Mall. Slow and steady wins the race, isn't that what "they" say?
Come join Deb, her husband (and right-hand man) Brian, and the staff at the shoppe and enjoy our new outdoor patio with friends or family, or maybe just read the paper while you enjoy your choices.
Our baked goods also make wonderful gifts that are always welcomed with a smile! We aspire to continue to deliver that hometown goodness, homemade flavour, and family-friendly service to you our highly valued customers as we grow.
We will have our yummy goodies available for curbside pick up, and/or take out until we feel it is safe to open our tiny seating area again after being closed due to COVID-19 precautions.
Please give us up to 48 to prepare your order especially for you.
We look forward to meeting you!
(Of course safely and responsibly for both of us)
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